10 Sep 2024

New survey reveals POTHOLES are UK driver’s number ONE problem

a road leading into the distance. The road is full of potholes and is in disrepair.

Potholes are fast becoming a major headache for UK drivers, especially for rideshare drivers spending a lot of time on the road. Recent data from the Royal Automobile Club (RAC) shows that potholes have now become the biggest concern for drivers, even more than the rising costs of fuel and insurance. This issue is causing significant stress and financial problems for those who rely on their vehicles for work.

Potholes: The Top Concern for Drivers

According to the RAC's 2024 Report on Motoring, 56% of drivers now say that poor road conditions, particularly potholes, are their number one worry. This is a jump from 49% in 2023. Road safety conditions have topped the list of driver concerns for the first time, which shows just how bad the problem has become. Potholes are not only uncomfortable to drive over, but they also present serious safety risks, especially for those who drive for a living.

For rideshare drivers, road issues are even more pressing. Many operate in urban areas where road conditions have noticeably worsened. Over half of the drivers in cities say their local roads are in worse shape now than they were a year ago. In rural and suburban areas, the situation is even worse, with 81% of rural drivers and 78% of suburban drivers reporting deteriorating road conditions.


The Cost of Pothole Damage

Potholes aren’t just annoying—they can be expensive too. In the past year, the RAC has dealt with over 25,000 breakdowns directly caused by potholes. Common problems include punctures, damaged wheels, and broken suspension springs. For rideshare drivers, these issues can be particularly costly, not just repair bills but also lost income from time off the road.

Repairing damage from potholes can cost up to £460 per incident. For road users in rural areas, where potholes are more common, the risk is even higher, with 32% of rural drivers reporting that their vehicles have been damaged by potholes in the past year. This is a significant financial burden, especially for those who drive for a living and can’t afford unexpected repair costs.

close up of a tyre on a road

What Can Be Done?

The RAC is calling on the government to take immediate action to fix the country’s roads. Previous efforts, like the Pothole Action Fund, have not been enough to address the scale of the problem. Local councils are struggling to secure the funding they need to maintain roads, leading to a cycle of worsening conditions.

The National Audit Office has also highlighted problems with how road maintenance funds are distributed, suggesting that the current system isn’t working. The RAC warns that if more isn’t done now, the costs will only get higher in the future—for both drivers and the government. This is a crucial issue that needs urgent attention, especially as the upcoming Budget could determine whether enough funds will be allocated to start fixing the roads.

Other Road Problems

Potholes aren’t the only issue making driving difficult. Poor drainage is another major problem, with 61% of drivers saying it makes roads more dangerous. Water can collect in potholes, making them harder to see and more dangerous to hit. The problem can be particularly pronounced when driving in adverse weather conditions. Faded road markings and poor signage also add to the risks on the road, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

a pothole filled with water


For private hire drivers , understanding the risks and costs associated with potholes is essential. Roads are the lifeline for private hire and taxi drivers, and poor quality roads only make their job harder. Without urgent action to fix the country’s roads, the situation will only get worse.

Make sure you stay informed and take proper precautions, such as reporting potholes and driving carefully in poor road conditions.  These tips can help minimize the impact on your vehicle and livelihood.
