26 May 2022

Did you know? You can cover a leased or hire vehicle with INSHUR

A line of cars seen close up from behind

The risk of driving an unreliable vehicle can be pretty costly for courier and private hire drivers. More time spent at the mechanics is less time earning money on the road. So, you want to be able to trust your vehicle when you turn the key, especially if driving is what pays the bills. 

The ideal situation would be to drive a fresh new vehicle. One that you can nearly guarantee will not disappoint. And the most affordable way of doing that is leasing or hiring. All you do is fill up the tank and get your insurance sorted, and away you go.

Lease and hire vehicles are treated the same at INSHUR

That’s right, we treat lease and hire vehicles the same as owned ones, and there are no differences in the conditions between our policies. Meaning everyone can access all the same benefits, discounts, and flexibility with INSHUR. All you need is a written agreement in place with the lease or rental company.

If you have a lease vehicle, what is the best policy option for you?

That is a good question. At INSHUR, we offer a 30-day or annual policy option for both courier and private hire insurance.

The benefit of our 30-day policy is that there’s no commitment. You can get insurance for as long as you need it and can renew or end your policy at the end of the 30 days. You can even maintain your No Claims Discount if you continue twelve 30-day policies with no gaps in the cover!  

But, if you’re planning on using your vehicle for longer – either courier or private hire – then you should consider our annual policies. Ultimately purchasing multiple monthly subscriptions will cost you more money in the long run. A smarter option might be a yearly policy. Plus, you can still choose how to pay by splitting instalments over 12 months with premium finance or a lump sum at the start.

And if you already know you’re not going to have your leased or hire vehicle for a whole year, that’s ok too. With an INSHUR policy, you can change your vehicle during the term and keep the same cover. In fact, you can amend the vehicle up to 4 times throughout the year.

Cover/Policy Benefits Annual 30-day
Comp Plus, Comp, TPO
Comp Plus cover offers 14-day replacement vehicle
Lease or Rented vehicle
If you need to cancel ✔ Pro rata refund ❌ No refund
Earning NCD Only if you complete 12 consecutive months

So, go ahead, lease or hire and start earning flexibly by getting an INSHUR quote now. It only takes 3 minutes.



Image: Shutterstock


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