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I've Had An Accident: Driver Safety Top Tips ✅ - Inshur

Written by Victoria Wilson | Jun 26, 2023 1:28:00 PM

Our modern world is a busy place with hundreds of distractions. Sometimes we forget to check our car before driving. This can happen when we’re in a hurry or feeling stressed. It’s important to make sure our car is safe before we hit the road.

Avoiding these checks could mean you’re at a higher risk of having an accident. 

We’ve put together a handy ‘Before-You-Go’ and a ‘Post-Accident’ driver safety checklist for your quick reference. Scroll down to find out more.

Your Before-You-Go Checklist

Before driving, use our six-step checklist to stay safe. This will help prevent accidents for you, your passengers, and your vehicle.

  • Adjust your seat, along with the rear and side-view mirrors, to ensure you can clearly see in all directions
  • Check your headlights are working properly
  • Check your tyre pressure and condition
  • If you have one, turn on the dash camera
  • Make sure that you’re carrying your private hire badge and personal driving license
  • Ensure that your view of the road is un-obstructed
  • Make sure you’re not driving hungry or tired

TOP TIP – Save this page to your phone for easy access to these driver safety checklists.

For Longer Drives:

  • . Check your screen wash levels
  • Check your oil levels
  • Visit a local garage and check your tyre pressures. You can find your PSI either in your vehicle guide or Google.
  • Check for any chips or cracks on your windscreen
  • Check when your last service was – does your vehicle need booking in soon?

TOP TIP – Keep a copy of the Highway Code saved on your phone. It’s an excellent resource, and sometimes rules change. Make sure you’re adhering to the rules of the road to stay as safe as possible.

Can I Use My Phone in the Car?

Using your phone when driving increases the risk of being in a collision. If you’re caught using your mobile or sat nav when your car is moving, you’ll face a £200 fine and 6 points on your license. Driving whilst distracted can be fatal, in 2021 17 people lost their lives to a distracted driver using their phone.

You are permitted to touch your phone so long as it’s in a windscreen mount, however, Police will use their discretion to determine whether you are in control of your vehicle or not. Our advice is to always make sure you are parked and safe before you touch your phone.

Your Post-Accident Checklist

As reported by the Department for Transport, COVID-19 lockdowns significantly reduced motor traffic, accidents, and casualties. With everyone spending time inside, this isn’t surprising. But, the size of the reduction of accidents and casualties varied by type of road user.

Did you know? Referred to as vulnerable road users, motorcyclists and pedal cyclists were reported to have had the smallest reduction of all accidents and (fatal) casualties. Crashes with motorcycles and pedal cycles most frequently occur…

  • When failing to look thoroughly. This is the most common factor contributing to vehicles involved in accidents with motorcyclists. Always remember to check your blind spots for hidden motorcyclists.
  • At T-junctions. This is the most common place for accidents with motorcyclists when drivers fail to give way or stop.

Although there has been an overall reduction in accidents and therefore claims, the cost per claim has increased due to higher speed incidents like these. So drivers, remember to be especially vigilant around motorcyclists! 

Be sure to give enough clearance to cyclists when overtaking. Never overtake on a bend, and always be sure the road ahead has no oncoming vehicles before you attempt a manoeuvre.

Unfortunately, though, accidents do happen. UK roads are safer than ever with road improvements, but it’s vital to manage your risks before setting out.

At the scene of an accident, INSHUR customers must use the following checklist to report the incident:

  • You must tell us about any potential claim within 24 hours of it occurring. If you fail to do so, you may have to pay an additional excess of £500.
  • You must take photographs of any damage to the vehicles involved.
  • If your claim is due to theft, attempted theft, malicious damage or vandalism, you must also notify the police and obtain a crime reference number.

To report an accident, fire, theft, or windscreen claim (if applicable), you must call 0808 169 9165. The helpline is open 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. Our expert staff will take down the details, and help to get you back on the road as soon as possible.

TOP TIP – Save these numbers to your smartphone so they’re handy in the event of an accident.


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